A Perfect Place For Digital Solutions

About Me

My Mission

  1. Social Media Marketing
    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • WhatsApp 
    • Twitter 
  2. Search Engine Marketing
    • Pay-Per-Click
    • Context Advertising 
  3. Search Engine Optimization 
    • On-page SEO
    • Off-page SEO
  4. E-mail Marketing
SEO( (1)

What You Will Get(Benefits)

  • You will get to know your audience.
  • It doesn’t cost much.
  • You can market anyone, anywhere.
  • AD targeting
  • You can personalize by channel.



  • 2020

+2 science (NEB)

  • 2021..Running
    • Bachelor (BSC.CSIT) 
    • Tribhuvan University(TU)
  •  Certification 2024
    • Diploma In Digital Marketing From Mindrisers Institute of Technology